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Virtual Volunteering with Project HOME

Join us on Saturday, 1/16 at 10am on Zoom for a virtual volunteering event with Project HOME. We’ve moved our monthly event to the 3rd Saturday this month in order to volunteer MLK weekend of service. We’ll be back to our regular scheduled cadence next month.

We’re excited to partner with Project HOME and their Emerging Leaders group where we will create hygiene kits, cards of encouragement, and talk about H.O.M.E. (Housing, Opportunities for Employment, Medical Care and Education).

"The mission of the Project HOME community is to empower adults, children, and families to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty, to alleviate the underlying causes of poverty, and to enable all of us to attain our fullest potential as individuals and as members of the broader society. We strive to create a safe and respectful environment where we support each other in our struggles for self-esteem, recovery, and the confidence to move toward self-actualization."

Register here

December 18

The Great VUPHL Bake-Off

January 20

Chipotle Fundraiser