Tell us about how you got started with Friends of the Wissahickon. 

I have been with Friends of the Wissahickon (FOW) as Volunteer Program Coordinator for the past two years. Prior to joining FOW, I did many service experiences across the country that eventually landed me in the land stewardship field, taking care of public lands. During that time, I found a deep passion for connecting people with the natural environment and a love for Philadelphia. Now, I get to work to fulfill my passions with Friends of the Wissahickon!

What’s been one of your most memorable moments at FOW?

My most memorable moments are the relationships I have built with our volunteers. It is a wonderful, supportive, and passionate community that I am proud to work with every day. 

With the weather turning warmer, how is FOW preparing for the increased community activity?

With warmer weather, our visitation to the park increases exponentially and so does our volunteer work! Our biggest volunteer events of the year happen April through October. This includes service days on most Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings! There are so many ways to get involved with FOW! Whether it is a free guided hike, a volunteer service day, or another one of our many events; I encourage you to take a look at our calendar of events and sign up today! (events.fow.org)

I am most looking forward to our Super Mega event on April 20th in celebration of Earth Day and our 100th anniversary! It is a five-location service event, and we hope to bring in hundreds of volunteers who are passionate about conserving the Wissahickon! After that, we hope to bring even more volunteers out for our Annual Creek Clean-up, Love Your Park, and National Trails Day! 

What has been your comfort meal/local restaurant for you to stay cool in the warmer weather?

When the warmer weather hits, you’ll find me at C&C Creamery getting my ice cream to-go and taking a short walk to the Wissahickon to enjoy nature and my ice cream.


VOICES OF VU: Lisa Grainge, Small Things Philly